terra firma
- n.安全的陆地,坚实的大地(与水和空中相对而言)

After two days at sea , it was good to be back on terra firma again .
A flying squirrel munches a meal on terra firma .
Terra firma , the firm Earth , is something mankind relies upon .
He found himself on terra firma at last .
After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma .
But those above a sinkhole , particularly a rapidly sinking hole , lose trust in terra firma .
Or a biological fallout shelter where survivors seek refuge from the toxic terra firma above .
Terra Firma spent 105m to make up shortfalls against the quarterly covenant tests last year but has less than 10m left for future payments .
EMI is in fairly good shape after being put on a diet by Terra Firma , the private-equity firm that owned it before Citigroup .
And not just love : executives at terra firma , its private equity owner , were appalled to find a 2 00000 budget for fruit and flowers .
The scuttlebutt now is that Warner will try to buy EMI from Citigroup , which seized it earlier this year from Terra Firma , another private-equity firm .
Guy Hands , Terra Firma 's founder and chairman , has written to investors in two of its private equity funds asking them to inject another 120m , according to one person familiar with the company .
In August , Cheung Kong said it was in talks to buy a $ 5bn fleet of 100 aircraft put up for sale by Awas , a European lessor owned by Terra Firma , the private equity group .
Directors of Maltby Capital , the vehicle that bought EMI just before credit markets collapsed in 2007 , said there was no certainty that investors would put new equity into an investment that Terra Firma has already written down by 90 per cent .
However , accounts for the year to March 2009 , released yesterday , make clear that even if terra firma secures this equity , it will face another " significant shortfall " against a test on covenants in its loans by March 2011 .
After the spacecraft landed on terra firma , Shuttleworth and his two partners will be first given a physical exam before boarding a helicopter to fly to Astana in Kazakhstan where they will be transferred to the Russian capital Moscow on the same day .